Friday, April 30, 2010

Pure Genius!

Back from hiatus…

So Little Man is almost two (in two weeks! I can’t believe it!) and in true 2 year old fashion, he’s decided to exert his blossoming independence in one of the few ways he can… Refusal to eat veggies!

Gone are the days when my little potato would sneak broccoli florets off of my plate and devour them. Gone are the days of peas being consumed with reckless abandon. Siiigh.

After a few months of eating none of the veggies offered to him, I have found a sneaky way to get him eating veggies. No, this isn’t a recipe from Deceptively Delicious, though I do find that cookbook intriguing. Instead, it is far simpler and requires NO cooking on my part. What is this miraculous solution? Well, let me give some back story.

Last year, I stumbled upon a cool company called Revolution Foods. Not only are they an awesome company that is trying to improve the way our kids eat, but they have some awesome products. One of those awesome products are their Mash ups,

which are squeezable fruit packets. Awesome! I can toss one in my bag and give it to Little Man anywhere. He LOVES his “squeezies.”

Fast forward to two weeks ago. I was desperately trying to come up with a way to get Little Man to eat veggies, and I stumbled upon these beauties from Ella’s Kitchen and Plum Organics:


I’m so enamored of these little beauties. Granted, they are technically stage 1 baby foods, but Little Man doesn't know that! He thinks they are his "squeezies" and has sucked down his veggies like never before!

Thus far, he’s tried almost all the veggie flavors and has only rejected the Broccoli, Peas & Pears by Ella’s Kitchen (I tried it, it was pretty nasty). I’m so beyond excited-- I get a toddler who eats some veggies AND something to bribe him with? "You want some squeezie? you gotta eat some chicken first!"

Sometimes I think I might be a genius!