Thursday, July 29, 2010

Travels with Toddlers

This is my new Indian name. Having braved a cross-country red-eye flight (followed by a 1.5 hour drive) with a toddler. Of course, I wasn't alone, I had my trusty side-kick Diesel and my sister and her 8 month old daughter, but still. It is a pretty major accomplishment!
Ready to Fly

Little Man slept for about 90% of the flight, which really helped. Thanks to my "dirty hippie" toddler sling, he also slept the whole way off of the plane, down to baggage claim and out to the car.

"Dirty Hippie" Mama

We borrowed the CARES harness from a friend, and I have to say it is a pretty neat little contraption. Little Man didn't really like it, but I think that was more a product of exhaustion than anything else. It was nice to not have to lug the carseat in the plane, but to have the security that Little Man was strapped in securely!

Note the less than thrilled expression

Overall, it was a successful flight. I'm pretty impressed with our little traveller man!


  1. Congrats on surviving the trip! It's so much more work traveling with little ones and way more anxiety producing. Sounds like he was great though!

  2. It was great having you guys come out and visit! Hope your trip back went well.

  3. @Kristi-- it is so much more LUGGAGE too! Holy cow! Not our first flight with him, but every time we travel, I'm struck by how much STUFF we need just to get there & back!
    @rugrat-- It was fun to visit!
