Friday, August 13, 2010

Mini-Goal, Day 2

Today's mini-goal was to tackle one kitchen cabinet & its accompanying drawer. However, I was home alone tonight, and I had a fire lit under me! I cleaned out all of the lower cabinets-- except the bay of drawers-- PLUS the drawer under my stove.

I ended up with a HUGE pile of stuff to give-away, sell or donate (and a sparkling counter, sink & stove, because once you get going it is hard to stop).

As productive as I was, this mini-goal was pretty difficult for me. I had to part with some things that I lovingly chose to register for 5+ years ago, and which I truly wanted at that time. You see, when we were getting married, I had visions of being the kind of wife and mother who entertained & had need for tiny ramekins and porcelin Bodum casseroles with pretty wire racks to stand in. In my head, I was finally going to get to be that woman I wanted to be.

Fast-forward 5 years and we live in a 730 sq ft. condo, which was supposed to be our starter house. We were going to trade-up for a larger place after 3 years. Alas, this did not happen. Our condo is too small to do the grand-scale entertaining that I had hoped to do (or even medium-scale), so there has never been a need for the beautiful ceramic "stuff" I registered for all those years ago. 

Our family has also grown by a dog & a boy and we're constantly in a crunch for space. By parting with these unnecessary items, as tough as it was, will provide us with some much needed room. After I have finished cleaning out the entire kitchen (the upper cabinets will be even tougher), I will need to embark on rearranging what we have to better fit our needs.

So that was my wild and crazy night!! I think tomorrow's mini-goal will be a more mellow goal, but we shall see! I have some before & after shots that I'll post tomorrow. For now I'm going to sign off and say "hi" to the hubby who arrived home a little bit ago (with our sacked-out boychild who is now in bed).

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