Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday randomness

I love this age! Little Man is so fun to hang out with (most of the time). I love that his imagination is really starting to show up. Lately he's been imagining a tiger chasing him. He'll suddenly start yelling "aaaaah a TIGER!!!" and running as fast as he can. He has also started really playing with figurines-- making them talk to each other and other interactions, as well as pretending to be other animals. It is pretty neat to watch him growing up.

It is also fun to listen to his vocabulary grow. He's becoming more interested in trying to hold conversations with us and sometimes the words he comes up with are pretty fantastic! Recently he proclaimed ice cream to be "delicious in my belly." My new favorite "thing" he has started saying is "HOLY COW!" which is cute!

Being somewhat forgetful, I sometimes throw a load of laundry in the wash & forget that it is there, so it doesn't make it into the drier. Then the worst thing in the world happens-- funky, mildewed clothes/towels/sheets, etc. I hate that smell more than any thing! Yesterday I discovered that I had done this with a load of kitchen washcloths & towels. Gross. Then I had a brilliant brain bubble and I have solved my mildew funk problem forever!!


I added several drops to the pre-wash tray of our washer (along with detergent in the regular wash area) and when the wash was done, everything smelled fresh & lovely! I'm so excited about my discovery that I had to share!

Mini-goals for the weekend:
Yesterday I tackled the kitchen drawers and got rid of some odds & ends that I'm not currently using.
Today my goal is to come up with my "Grateful List"-- a list of everything I'm grateful for in my life.

I managed to get through some of our shredding today and to rearrange a few items for better organization & storage. I've decided to part with rolling scrapbooking box and tote bag. I haven't used them since Diesel built me my scrap-cabinet and I started doing a better job of planning what I need for crops. Now I'm able to use my "free-with-purchase" diaper bag to take everything I need when I go out scrapbooking. I have a collapsible rolling cart that I used for teaching that I can use if ever need to take more with me than fits in my bag.

Reaffirmation that cutting out the dining out is a good idea: Today we were headed to Trader Joe's. Across the street was a Target. Little Man saw it and said "Pretzel combo!" Yeeeaaaaah. Not happening kiddo! (Though when I ran into Target to pick up one necessary item, I did get a coupon for the cafe, so I reckon we'll visit some day-- but for cheaper!)

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